As TheFoundry left out documentation of the matrix functions of Blinkscript here is a little list:

Matrix Functions

void setRotateX(T x) {}
void setRotateY(T x) {}
void setRotateZ(T x) {}
Mat rotateX(T x) {}
Mat rotateY(T x) {}
Mat rotateZ(T x) {}
//Used for 3x3 matrix rotation 2d coordinates
void setRotate(T x) {}
Mat rotate(T x) {}
void setTranslate(Vec p) {}
void translate(Vec p) {}
void setScale(Vec p) {}
void scale(Vec p) {}
void setArray(T a[C*C]) { for ( int i = 0; i < C*C; i++) _data[i] = a[i]; } Mat transpose() {} Mat invert() {}